I watched this tag
first in a YouTube of a BookTuber I watch a lot, his name is Benjamin and I
love his videos. I’ll link his video here and also the creator’s video, which I
watched after Benjamin’s, as well.
I decided,
however, that I will choose two books/series for each category just because I
wanted to mention more than one. :D
1. Black Coffee: A series that is hard to get into but it has hardcore fans
I haven’t read any of the two because I know that it will be really hard for me to get into these books. Also I haven’t watched the movies or TV show either. But I know that these two series have really hardcore fans.
2. Peppermint Mocha: Name a Book that it gets more popular during the winter or at any festive time of the year.

Any Harry Potter Book. Even for me Harry Potter is
like a must-read during Christmas time. I do not know why but I just get the
urge to read at least one book. Personally my favorite which is The Prisoner of
In other cases, I would choose Dracula or Frankenstein because during Halloween everyone seems to be reading horror books and these two are like classics in this genre.
3. Hot Chocolate: Favorite Childhood Book

The little prince, any book by Julio Verne, the adventures
of Tom Sayer. Basically any
book that my teachers at school asked me to read when I was a child. I had a
favorite series of books back at the time and I still have some of those books
at home but unfortunately I do not recall the exact name for any of the books
and I cannot look for them right now because I am not living with my parents at
the moment.
At the moment, however, I am reading "The Mysterious Benendict Society" series by Trenton Lee Stewart. I really love
this series. The characters are such great children and even though the story
might feel sometimes weird for me, because I’m pretty old to be reading these
books now, I still love them a lot.
4. Double shot of Expresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your sit from
start to finish.
I interpreted this as a book I could not put down because I wanted to know what was going to happen and it felt that the author was building up for something big.
My first choice would be Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I got into it by chance, I was not looking for this book specificially and I did not
know what it was exactly about when I bought it but the person who sold it to
me was so into the story that convinced me to buy it. And thank God I bought
it. Such a good book!
the second choice would be Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken. I was not
expecting anything about this books when I started to read it because the first
book really did not got me into the series that much. But because all the new
situations, characters and mainly because Liam does not remember anything about
Rubby I was on the edge on my sit waiting for the moment he would remember.
5. Startbucks: Name a book you see everywhere
It just looks like everyone is reading them. I have them on my TBR list but I have not read them yet.
6. The hipster Coffee Shop: A book by a Indie author
I don’t really
know any indie author and I haven’t read a book by one so I don’t know which
one to pick but if you get to know one and want to let me know please do so.
7. Oopps I got a Decaf: A book you were expecting more from.

I was expecting
more from these two books. For Buenos Dias Princesa! I got until the end but I expected
more from it because I have heard so many good things about it. "If I stay" I could not finish it. I got so bored while reading it that I stopped and went
to watch the movie instead; I did not like the movie either. And yes… my sister
was one of the people who have called insensitive because I did not find this
book as moving as everyone else.
a) The heroes of Olympus series
b)The lunar Chronicles

Both series have a very dark side but at the same time really cute moments where you kind of forget the trouble the characters have. I loved both of them so much.

Both series have a very dark side but at the same time really cute moments where you kind of forget the trouble the characters have. I loved both of them so much.
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