In January I read a Total of 7 Books. I am going to let everyone of them here and the links to the goodreads of each book as well as my review of each of them.
Wrap Up

First, I finished the Percy Jackson Series with the last two books, The Battle of the Labyrinth and The Last Olympian. Both Books made me fall in love with this world finally. I have to admit that I had a very bad start with this series.
The Battle of the Labyrinth: Goodreads
The Last Olympian: Goodreads
Review of the Series

Then, I finished two other trilogies I had started Last Year and I couldn't finish. The first one was In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken. The second one was Champion by Marie Lu. Both let me feeling nostalgic.
In the Afterlight: Goodreads and Review
Champion: Goodreads and Review

After that I started a new trilogy, Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I loved this book and I am looking forward to read the rest but I am going to wait a little bit more to read the second book.

As I fell in love with the Percy Jackson Series just at the end of it. I realized I could not go on without reading the second series based on the heroes of Olympus. So I picked up The Lost Hero and The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan.
The Son of Neptune: Goodreads
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