
viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Wrap Up November 2015

November has ended and so have my reading of this month. During the month of November, I only managed to read 3 books. 

The first was "A monster calls" by Patrick Ness. I gave this book a 4/5. It was a beautiful, poetic and thoughtful book. It has been a pleasure to read this author.

A monster comes to me: Goodreads.

Then I started "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 'by JK Rowling. This book has always been my least favourite in the whole saga. Many people ask me why and I always say the same, it is very slow. Although that does not mean I did not like, of course, I like this book but it is my least favourite of the whole saga.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Goodreads.

Then I started "The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins. I read this book very fast. It is slow at first but once it gets to the momentum the book becomes a train of emotions. I gave it a 4/5 because I think I had problems with the three narrators. Although this was part of the whole thing about reading this book.

The Girl on the Train: Goodreads and Review.

Then I started reading "The 100: Homecoming" by Kiera Kass. I want to finish reading this trilogy. But I failed to finish it during Novermber so I will include it in December wrap up.

And you, who read in the month of November? They managed to read everything they had in mind?

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