
lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015


For my November T.B.R I have 3 books. I am not going to be very ambitious this time like last month because I still have little time to read and, one of the books I am going to mention is very large so… I think I’ll stay in 3 books. Moreover, to complete my Goodreads Book Challenge I just need 5 more books so I’m going to complete this way.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness: I had been looking for this book EVERYWHERE and I couldn’t find it here in Colombia until a week ago. I found it and I bought it and after that I read it. Yeap, I already read it. AWESOME!

Harry Potter and the Halfblodd Prince by J.K Rowling: This is the large book I was talking about. I am finally back with my Harry Potter re-read and I am very happy about that. 

The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins: It is time for me to read this book. It has been on my shelf for so long now and I could not read it during October so I will read it in November for sure.  

These are the 3 books I planned on reading this month. What will you guys be reading during November? 

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