
lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


For my October T.B.R I have 3 books. In September I only read 2 books so I think 3 is enough for the month of October.

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge: I started this one in September and couldn’t finish it so I’ll include it here and I think I’ll finish it by the first week of October.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline: This book was chosen to be the book of the month in a new book club I started with some friends in my hometown. Moreover, I also wanted to read it so badly before so, I’m taking the opportunity to do it.

One Week Girlfriend by Monica Morphy: Because I couldn’t read it in September as I planned. I will read it this month for sure.

These are the 3 books I planned on reading this month. I hope I can read a little but more than this. We will see. What will you be reading in September?

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