
jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Wrap Up July 2015

 This month I was much better in terms of reading. I did not read an extravagant amount of books but I read enough. It's my first month off I've been going out with my friends and doing other stuff. In September I return to my reality and will start working so the idea is to use August to read a little more and achieve my challenge to Goodreads.

I started the month with "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss which I had started in the month of June and had not managed to finish. It was a very good book where I found one the most complex characters I've read so far. I want to read the sequel but these books take time so I prefer to wait a little more before starting it.

The Name of the Wind: Goodreads and Review.

While reading this book I was also reading "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki. I started reading it because I entered in the urge to read something to help me a little financially now that I will start my working life. I liked the book's content but I also think that if I had read it at a younger age I would had appreciated it more. The book became repetitive in time and that made me struggle to finish it.

Rich Dad Poor Dad: Goodreads.

After I finished these two books I started reading "One plus One" by Jojo Moyes. She wrote one of the few books that have made me cry so I decided to give a chance to this book. I liked the book; I have read better stories but it was a nice and very family oriented book. It leaves you with a good mood when you finish it and I liked that a lot.

The One Plus One: Goodreads and Review.

Then I started "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" by JK Rowling and "The 100: Day 21" by Kass Morgan, both books without review because they are sequels of sagas/trilogies. With Harry Potter It was again great, I loved the book and it filled me with the feeling of nostalgia that gives me every time I read a book of these. Precisely at this time it costs me more to read this book because I knew what it was going to happen and did not want to get to that specific part of the story.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Goodreads.

As for "The 100: Day 21" I can say that I liked it more than the first book but I still have problems with the way in which the author focuses in the romance. I will read the third book quickly to make the review of the entire trilogy and see what happens.

The 100: Day 21: Goodreads.

I completed these two books earlier than expected so I took a book I had planned to read in August, "PS I Still Love You" by Jenny Han. This book left me with a silly smile on my face. Every time I read authors such as Jenny Han or Rainbow Rowell I begin to dream meeting a man like any of the ones in their books and I enter in this mood of wanting to have a boyfriend. The book was beautiful and I liked how Lara Jean begins to know herself more at this stage of her life that she had not experienced before, having a boyfriend.

P.S I Still Love You: Goodreads and DuologyReview.

And you, who read in July? Please let me know in the comments: D

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