
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Once Upon a Time Book Tag

This Tag is related to one of my favorite TV shows of all time, Once Upon a Time. I saw this that in the blog “A la luz de las velas” and I loved it so I decided I will do the tag as well. In the blog where I saw the Tag Emma and Henry didn’t have any questions so I searched for questions for them in other blogs and I found them on “My Travel Books” blog.

1. SNOWWHITE (MERY MARGARET): A book that shows you the good thing about life.

“Wonder” by R.J Palacios: This book is very cute and it shows you the beautiful things in life and the dark side of people as well. But, the book emphasizes values such as respect, kindness and tolerance so I think it goes pretty well with Mery Margaret.  

2. EVIL QUEEN (REGINA): A evil character thay you liked.

Saying that I love this character would be a lie because I normally don’t like evil characters. On the contrary, I tend to really hate them so, I chose the evil character that I hate the most at the moment and that is Levanna from the Lunar Chronicles by Marisa Meyer. I really hate this woman. She is one of the most twisted characters I have read and the “Evil Queen” label suits her very well.

3. RUMPELSTILTSKIN (Mr. GOLD): A book that someone recommended but you didnt like.

“If I stay” by Gayle Forman: My sister recommended this movie to me. She was just so into the movie and how wonderful it was that she kept telling me I had to watch it so I went and bought the book first in order to watch the movie and I hated it. The book was so boring. I then went to watch the movie, which was ok but not as awesome as she said it was.

4. THE HUNSTMAN (SHERIFF GRAHAM): A character that changed a lot, for better or for worse

Darrow from “Red Rising” by Pierce Brown: I still don’t know if Darrow’s transformation will lead him into something good or bad because I haven’t read the second book in the trilogy but this transformation was incredible, from the outside and inside.

5. RED RIDING HOOD (RUBÍ): A book that looked like something but tended up being something else.

The Duff by Kody Keplinger: When you read the synopsis of the book you think is going to be about something and then the actual book is about something completely different. Not that I didn’t like the book but I was expected something different with that premise on the synopsis.

6. CORA: A book with a pretty cover that you didn’t like

I don’t know what to answer in this because I don’t usually just buy or read a book by its cover. It’s true that covers helps to get your attention on a book but after I see a pretty cover I read the synopsis and reviews about the book and if I like the premise I will read it and if not I will not. Then I haven’t yet read a book that I hated with a pretty cover.

7. CAPTAIN HOOK: A sarcastic, egocentric or unfriendly character that even with his/her flaws has a great and beautiful heart.

Liz  from “Falling into Place” by Amy Zhang: Liz is a “Mean Girl” in all the senses. She makes people suffer just because she wants to and not only people she does not like but people she actually loves. For my Liz is a toxic character because even if she has this sweet side on her she does not know how to show it to people because she has never acted like that in her life. She constantly regrets what she does after she has done it and do not know how to stop being so mean to people at a times.

8. PRINCESS AURORA: A book that made you sleep at the beginning but you could not put down at the end.

“The Perfume” by Patrick Süskind: Because the book as not much dialogue and has many descriptive parts it is a Little bit boring at the beginning. However, as the story progress it becomes more interesting and you get hook in the story.

9. BELLA: A character sho loves to read


Kath from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Liesel from The Book Thief by Macos Zusak
Hermione from Harry Potter by J.K Rowling.
Celaena and Dorian from Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas

And I could keep going…

10. MULÁN: A book with a lot of courage and honor

Snow like Ashes by Sara Raasch: I think this is a incredible high fantasy novel which is full of courage and honor. I loved this book. READ IT.

11. HENRY: A book that has come to you by fate.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling: I remember that one day my dad came home with a Harry Potter book. It was The Prisoner of Askaban. When I read the synopsis I was not interested and I left the book aside. However, I not so long after the first movie came out and there was a huge buzz about the movie so we went to watch it. I realized I had the book at home and after the movie finished I started reading it. Then I realized I had the third book and not the first one or the second one. So I started asking my dad to buy me the other two books like crazy. I had to wait almost a year for the fourth book to come out in Spanish.

12. EMMA: A character you would like to be if you would be part of the cast of the series.

Emma: I LOVE THIS CHARACTER. I think she is a wonderful woman. She protects the ones she loves so much and she is so brave I really like her. And of course there is Hook… Hook. As my second option I would say Mary Margaret. Because she is also a great character and a brave woman and a great and loving mum. And of course you cannot forget Charming right?

My decision is not bias by the fact that this two guys are super mega handsome…. :D

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