
jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

T.B.R MAY 2015

For my May TBR I have 5 books I want to read mainly. Again I'm not putting a very high number because I will have a pretty chaotic month. Mainly because this month is my birthday! I will turn 25! I’m so excited!

The 5 books I plan to read this month are:

1. The Scorpio Races: I already started this one along with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire so I hope to finish it during the first week of May.

2. The 100: I watched the two seasons of the TV show already and I loved it so much I have to read the books as well.

3. The Warrior Heir: This book has been on my shelf for a long time already. I have to read this month to see if I start with this series.

4. The Alchemist: I have a great desire to read Paulo Coelho from a long time now but I had not picked any of his books, so I'll start with this book because I think it is the most famous one.

5. Snow like Ashes: Another book I want to read from long ago and I had not picked up. I’ll read this month for sure.

My rereading of the month will be Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. You know I'm reading one book of these every month. 

And as “additional reading”, if I have time only, I think I’ll read Ana and the French Kiss because it is a light read and it is a romance and everyone says it's a super cute story.

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