
martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

T.B.R APRIL 2015

For my TBR of April I have 4 books I want to read mainly. In April I have midterms in college so I cannot get too ambitious about my reading. These 4 books are:

1. The Blood of Olympus: I want to finish the series “Heroes of Olympus” this month. Although I know it will take me a long time because it has been like that with most books of this saga.

2. To all the boys I have loved: I am trying not to read much fantasy this month. Because my reading slump last month is still there and want to give an opportunity to lighter books.

3. Throne of Glass: After a bit of contemporary I’ll read some fiction. I have wanted to read this book for a long time now.

4. The Mysterious Benedict Societyand the Periluos Journey: This is the second book in a trilogy of children's books. I've read its first book last year in October if I'm not wrong and the other day at the bookstore I saw that this was discounted so I bought it. I really liked the story of the first book and continuing the trilogy is not a bad idea. Plus they are books for children so I consider them as a light read.  

For my extra reading of the month I think most of you reading this blog already know and that is:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: I keep trying to re-read all the Harry Potter books. In March I read the first two books and now I'm on the third. I don’t think I can get to read it all, by the fact that I have exams and stuff, but I do know that if I have time I will read this book for sure.

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